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Safe to update confidence rating

We are performing every few weeks and have a few shows under our belts using EMU triggered from BANK and PROGRAM automation envelopes in Studio One.  

Using a special setting to get the automation to not...die in studio one, it has been rock solid.   

We are sitting an EMU version

I have worked in IT for 30 years.  I have had many experiences with software updates.   What are Y'alls confidence rating that I can trust updates and just update to 

Also have they been pretty good?  I mean ....we can't blow anything up at this point.  I have 3 banks with over 300 programs(presets/scenes).  

1 being completely confident and 0 being none at all what say you ?   Most importantly how easy it  to go back to before installation?  if that is worked out that changes how anyone feels about updates in my experience. 

Word to the wise.  Holy !@#$%% do not update from  to if you have already built programs.  ;) 

U can always backup shows from EMU or just zip EMU folder in Documents and downgrade in case things go wrong , there's all available versions in Settings Update tab

Next week there will be big release with MIDI improvements and AUv2 support*

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