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QTX Hipar-120 Outdoor Led Par

Ch.1 000 - 255 Master dimmer 0-100%
Ch.2 000 - 255 Red level 0-100%
Ch.3 000 - 255 Green level 0-100%
Ch.4 000 - 255 Blue level 0-100%
Ch.5 000 - 255 White level 0-100%
Ch.6 000 Strobe off
001 - 255 Strobe slow to fast
Ch.7 000 - 255 Macro speed slow to fast
Ch.8 000 Macro off
001 - 017 Static red
018 - 035 Static green
036 - 053 Static blue
054 - 071 Static white
072 - 089 Static yellow (R+G)
090 - 107 Static cyan (B+G)
108 - 125 Static purple (R+B)
126 - 127 Static flood (R+G+B+W)
128 - 169 2 colour jump
170 - 210 8 colour jump
211 - 238 Colour scroll
239 - 245 Sound activated colour strobe
246 - 255 Sound activated colour jump



1 Comment

This has now been added in the Crescit library, meaning the fixture will be available as of next Monday (14.11.22).

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