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Feature Request: Oscillator to work at same time as VST Parameter Set

Hi, I raised this earlier this year direct to support and have been advised to add it here. PLEASE VOTE!!

Half the time in my Ableton show I want to run exact parameters which I'm managing to do with great success using the parameter mapping and automation lanes. Sometimes I want to be able to revert to the oscillation patterns within EMU but one my parameters are mapped to the VST, the can no longer be used in native oscillation patterns. I would like to request being able to have the oscillation patterns override the VST parameters somehow. Perhaps I could bank up and have the option to have on one bank/programme the exact same layout but without the VST mappings inactive and therefore be able to trigger EMU native patterns as desired :)


Hi nick,

Thank you for your proposal. It makes sense. We need to think how to move fader VST/MIDI mapping from show to programs. And make no surprise for all the other customer. Stay tuned.

1 person has this problem

Any news on if this will hit the backlog at any point? Cheers

I even can't imagine how it can be used. I know 2 ways of interacting: either with VST or with Midi notes. IMHO that's enough. But I am not pro of course. So would be thankful if you could describe in details of your idea - may be I am missing something. 

I'll try and explain again a bit better... but it would still be interacted with by the VST.

I have 4 x 54 channel lights. On one song I want perfect control over every one of the 54 parameters and so a painstakingly create 54 automation lanes in Ableton and create an awesome light show that has taken me ages..

When it comes to the outro though, for instance (or just another song), I just want to, still be able to control EMU from Ableton, but I want to switch to a program that uses the EMU native oscillation patterns. So perhaps Ableton would shift to the next bank up with the presaved oscillation patterns and saved tempo and play that oscillation.

The problem is that one you map an EMU fader to a VST channel and it turns blue, it no longer reacts to the native osciallation as the VST has basically overridden it. Even if you switch up a bank, the VST mapping stays engaged. We basically need a way to shift up banks, or similar, and be able to go from using VST mapping in a show to triggering EMU native patterns.

Actually sounds more flexible and seems not so complicated to implement. And yay, you right, VST overrides all the programs and banks in a show. Maybe they could add and option when you map a fader like map it to:

- the show;

- the bank;

- the program. 

And user can choose one. Currently it works in a way to map to "the show". 

Have you contacted the support for this request? I mean for the second time to remind about the interesting feature which would be good to add?

Yeah exactly, sounds like they'd only need to do it as simple as their initial suggestion
"We need to think how to move fader VST/MIDI mapping from show to programs"

Then, boom. Done.

I contacted support and they told me to put it here but obviously little has happened.

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