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NEW SHOW - Using EMU in Logic Pro X

Hey lads, 

Just thought I'd share my latest video since doubling the size of my lighting rig.

The whole show was programmed using EMU within Logic Pro X on a Macbook Pro (intel chip). 

Not that I would expect anything less, but there were zero issue with adding 8 new fixtures to my rig. Though I did notice that as my Macbook would get hotter, any smooth fades would freeze and resume every second or so but I do believe this is on the Macbook and nothing to do with EMU or the DMX USB Pro. 

Fixtures - 

3 x Chauvet Intimidator Spot LED 250

2 x Chauvet Colorrail IRC

2 x AVE Cobra Wash King

8 x Bothlighting USA 360 Tubes

This is also for anyone having issues running EMU within Logic Pro X. 

Don't give up. If I can get this working perfectly, so can you! 

Thanks Enttec!