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Computer wont connect to ODE MK3

I have been unable to open the configuration page for my ODE MK3. I've shut off wifi, plugged in my USB to ethernet dongle, and connected the ODE MK3 to the dongle using an ethernet (cat6) cable. then I try to navigate to my ODE address ( and it gives me an error page. 

Also when I open EMU and look at the devices I have as options to send to I see there are 3 other Art net devices that are listed to have out type of broadcast while the ODE has none. 

Straight up, Im a noob at all this and trying to get this hardware to work in my house before taking it to my club and installing it. 

what am I not doing

1 Comment

Hi David!

the step it looks like you are missing is that you need to change your Computers IP address to be a static IP address in teh same range as the ODE. (eg
Linked below is a handuy article about how to change your IP address in Windows.

Friendly reminder too, once you have done any configs, if this isn't the computer you are installing perminantly, be sure to set your IP back to DHCP (Automatic) once you have have finish otherwise this port will have touble connecting to internet and such on networks in the future.

Let me know if you have any further questions!

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