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Missing the MOSFiATA LED party light

I just want to use it for my homestudio/ social media video backround. 

They are really cheap and not high quality. But enough for my purpose. And it is controllable with dmx.

Pls add this light to your library;

Thank you very much!!

Hi Sebastian, 

Currently there are two LED PAR light in the database. One is under Tomshine which is probably the one you selected and the other one is the Mosfiata. You should be seeing DMX map below


Thank you for this quick response!

Unfortunately the names of the mapping is not correct.

The DMX 1 is the dimmer, not a function mode.

The DMX 2 is red and in your fixture it is a macro. 


DMX 4 is blue not the dimmer.


Thank you for your effort!

Sorry for the typo error. It was labeled as LED PAR Light. I will modify the name and will be updated next release.

I cant find the Mosfiata in the new updated Database? 

Which name is this fixture saved?

Thank you!! 

This has now been added in the Crescit library, meaning the fixture will be available as of next Monday (05.12.22).




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